One excavation B-53 plant, manufactured by American Mobile Drill Company, which is likewise attached on an AMICO Truck carrying all requisite equipment.
- Consummate equipment for cement infusion
- Dutch cone machine with 20 ton powerful
- Three HILTI core driller machines for the intention of acquiring the gist samples from stiffness concrete.
- Core bitts in multifarious size
- Four DEWALT driller machines for the destruction and made structure elements control
- HILTI core Drill machine 3 set
- Casing sized 147,127,116,108,93,76
- Rod sized 50 at 300 m Length
- Couple of single Core barrels sized 127,112,93 in 3 &1.5 m length
- double Core barrels sized 76, 86, 101 have 3 and 1.5