Lab equipment

- Direct shear plant rigged up with electrical box at 30X30 and 20X20 dimensions.image
- Direct shear plant rigged up with electrical box at 6X6 and 10X10 dimensions. image
- Three axial  apparatus. image
- Uniaxial apparatus. image
- Consolidation apparatus. image
- Complete set of sieves. image
- Hydrometer testing equipment. image
- Pentro meter apparatus. image
- Laboratory CBR test equipment. image
- Sand equivalent apparatus. image
- Casagrande apparatus. image
- Compaction test equipment (hammer & molds)
- Blaine cement apparatus. image
- Oven. image
- 20 Kg three beam balance
- Balance having 1-0.01 gram tolerance
- Digital thermometer
- Computers 8 set
- printers 4 set
- Scanner1 set